1) Make a list of uses that the land in your neighborhood is being put to.
2) What is atmosphere ? Write its importance.
3) Name four major domians of the earth. Explain all.
4) Distinguish between- (a) Biotic & Abiotic environment (b) Natural and Man made environment.
5) How do human beings modify natural environment according to their needs ? Explain with example.
6) Suggest five ways through which we can save our environment.

Ways to save our environment :

  • Use renewable sources of energy;

  • Lower the usage of air conditioners, high voltage bulbs, etc.

  • Turn off all the electricians as and when you are not using them

  • Car pooling is a very important measure one might take to save time, petrol, energy, etc.

  • Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently.

  • Use soaps and detergents that contain no phosphates.

  • Plant native species of flora. They attract the local wildlife and also need less watering.

  • Arrange for proper disposal of oil paints, oils, pesticides, etc. Draining them often leads them to the waterways. Dispose of these items through municipal disposal schemes or use the landfill option if there is no other choice.

    We request you to ask one question in a single post. Post rest of the questions separately.

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I can just answer half of 2 and 3 
2 atmosphere is the blanket of the earth.it protects us from the ultra violet Ray's which come from sun
3 the four domains of the earth are lithosphere , hydrosphere , atmosphere and biosphere.

Hope it will help you
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