1. The interview conducted by Mukund Padmanabhan reveals what a good interview should be like. Do you agree? Give reasons.

2. Saul Bellow consented to be interviewed many a times. Did he like being interviewed? Substantiate.

3. Best interviews are considered as an art.” Mention four qualities of such an art.

4. In your opinion what is Eco`s attitude towards the interview? Do you sense any difference between his views and other celebrity writers? Has it reflected upon the statement that `our most vivid impressions of our contemporaries are through interviews`. Elucidate?

5. What are the objectives of a good interview? Why is it difficult to elicit the truth from the interviewee?

6. Mukund Padmanabhan has done his home work on Umberto Eco and knows what he is talking. However, he links with Eco spontaneously and this makes for a very smooth reading.” Do you agree? Why?

 1. yes mukund was a good interviewer he has asked the questions which every reder wants to know from a novelist he also maintains a good order in his questions  by first asking generic questions then getting deep into the matter by and by. He also makes sure the interviewee does not get annoyed or offended by any of his questions and never touched any personal matter of the interviewee umberto eco 

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 2. saul bellow does not like completely being interviewed he describes it as a thumbprint on his windpipe but despite all its demerit he also says that it is supremably sevieceable medium of communication 

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3.  the four qualities of an interview are :

(i)it is in its highest form 

(ii)the source of truth

(iii) media for more exposure

(iv) public gets to know more about the interviewee 

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 4. Umberto Eco, in all possibilities, likes being interviewed. He readily answers every question asked by Mukund Padmanabhan in an energetic and lively manner. He does not seem apprehensive about sharing his secrets, experiences and opinions with the interviewer, and consequently, the world. There is no indication throughout the interview that he dislikes being interviewed.

he is different from the other celecrities and seems to like being intervieved

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 a good interview should not be very personal it should not hurt the interviewees feeling it should not be an intrution into their lives it should bring out all the details which the viewer/listener is interested to know interviews should not be conducted in a criticising manner and the interviewer should be able to entertain the interviewee well and make him/her feel comfortable


rest u could write on ur point of view

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 6. Mukund padmanabhan has done a  good homework before interviewing Umberto eco as he used to ask the questions from each loop Umberto ones metions about his book the name of the rose which makes him move on to the next question about the novels main theme which public was not interested at a time suddenly millions of copies has been sold out  and in the next question he asks whether the success had been because of the theme medeaval history and meta physics this way it do provide smooth reading as question are placed in an orderly manner by mukesh

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