1) Why do frogs or toads move to lakes /ponds during rainy season?

2) Why do cats / dogs always reproduce several young ones?

frogs or toads move to lake or ponds during rainy season becoz their reproductive activities start during this season.These animals start moving to slow moving riveror stream.the male and female come together in water. There female give hundreds of eggs which r surrounded by jelly. Male deposits sperms over eggs.Sperms after coming in contact with eggs bring about fertilisation. It is called External Fertilisation as it takes place outside the body of female.

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ans. 1)to lay eggs they will move to lakes/pondsduring rainy season because female frog lay 100es of eggs with a layer of jelly holds the eggs together and provides protection to the eggs as the eggs are laid ,the male deposits sperms over them each sperm swimsrandomly in water.the sperms come in contact with eggs. this resuts in fertilisation.

  • 11

to lay eggs they will move to lakes/pondsduring rainy season because female frog lay 100es of eggs with a layer of jelly holds the eggs together and provides protection to the eggs as the eggs are laid ,the male deposits sperms over them each sperm swimsrandomly in water.the sperms come in contact with eggs. this resuts in fertilisation.

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hey! skhera you is thief you stolen my answer and get 4 thumb ups the meritnation will not teach to cheat anybodys ans it will teach to know more ideas not cheat so dont do this next time OK!

  • 2
Q) why do acne and pimples appear during adolescent ?
  • -5
as sweat and sabacious become more active espacially at face.
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Frogs and toads moves to ponds/lakes during rainy season because they reproduces in water only.To lay eggs and later on after two -three days it develops into tadpole and then 16-17 weeks it develops into adult frog through drastic changes in their body.
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Frogs or toads move to lake or ponds during rainy season becoz their reproductive activities start during this season.These animals start moving to slow moving riveror stream.the male and female come together in water. There female give hundreds of eggs which r surrounded by jelly. Male deposits sperms over eggs.Sperms after coming in contact with eggs bring about fertilisation. It is called External Fertilisation as it takes place outside the body of female.
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Ans(2) Dogs and Cats are induced ovulators when they mate they release eggs more than one at a time, therefore they produce many young ones at a time. Hey! Nobody answered the 2nd Question only I have given so plz give me 🙂
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