11 pu biology ncert , pg no 210 figure 13.3a ,b ,c explanation full

Dear student, please find the answer to your query below:
The chlorophyll and carotenoids are pigments that have the ability to absorb light at specific wavelengths. In all of the three graphs, the x-axis represents the wavelength at which the pigment absorbs light. In the graphs 13.3 a the y-axis gives the absorbance spectrum at different wavelengths. The peaks represent the wavelengths at which maximum absorption is taking place, the maximum absorption also taken in ranges of wavelengths. For example chlorophyll a shows maximum absorption at 450 nm and at 640 nm, made out roughly from the graph. 
For graph 13.3 b  they-axis represents rate of photosynthesis. The rate of photosynthesis will depend upon the absoprtion of light as it plays an important role in photosynthesis. Maximum light is absorbed by chlorophyll a. 
For graph 13.3 the y- axis represents the light absorbed and the rate of photosynthesis. However there the rate and absorption spectrum Do not coincide as chlorophyll a is not the only pigment absorbs light and not all pigments absorb light at same wavelengths. 

Hope this information clears your doubts.

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