2. Explain the process of endosmosis and exosmosis in living cells. Write examples of endosmosis and exosmosis that you come across in your day-to-day life.
3. write notes on green revolution.

Dear student,

Please find below the answer to your first question - 

Endosmosis - When the red blood cells are placed in the hypotonic solution(water), then there is the movement of water molecules from hypotonic solution to the inside of the cells where the concentration is higher (hypertonic solution). this type of movement of the water molecule through a semi-permeable membrane is called endosmosis.

The other examples of endosmosis in living cells are - 
The movement of water into the xylem vessel
Absorption of water from the soil by the roots.

Exosmosis - When the red blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution of salt, there is the movement of water molecules from red blood cell to the outside through semi-permeable membrane in the hypertonic solution. This type of movement is called exosmosis.

The other examples of exosmosis in the living cells are -
Movement of water from root hair cells to cortical cells of roots.
Movement of water out from the raisins when they are placed in a hypertonic solution.

Please ask other questions in separate threads so that our experts can help you in a better way.


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Endosmoasis:- The movement of liquid from outside to inside is known as endosmosis. It takes place in hypotonic solution. e.g:- When we put a raisin inside a bowl of water, the raisin swells up after a few minutes because the higher concentration inside the raisin. Exosmosis:- the movement of liquid from inside to outside is known as exosmosis. e.g:- When we put the raisin in concentrated solution of salt, the water comes out from the raisin..
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movement from inside to outside and vice versa
  • -3
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