3. Read the poem given below and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences given below the poem.

Homework sits on top of Sunday, squashing Sunday flat.
Homework has the smell of Monday, homework’s very fat.
Heavy books and piles of paper, answers I don’t know.
Sunday evening’s almost finished, now I’m going to go
Do my homework in the kitchen. Maybe just a snack,
Then I’ll sit right down and start as soon as I run back
For some chocolate sandwich cookies. Then I’ll really do
All that homework in a minute. First I’ll see what new
Show they’s got on television in the living room.
Everybody is laughing there, but misery and gloom
And a full refrigerator are where I’m at.
I’ll just have another sandwich. Homework’s very fat.
1. The speaker in this poem feels that his homework is.....................
2. The literary device used in ‘Homework sits on top of Sunday’ is . . ...... 
3. Homework is "fat" means...... . .
4. Home work makes the speaker miserable and so he keeps..................
5. The speaker’s diversions from homework are snacking and ......

1) heavy books and piles of paper and a chance to have some snacks
2)metaphor is the poitic device
3)it is tuff heavy and never ending
4)eating snacks and roming here and there without any aim
5)New shows in the TV
  • 24
 Hope it helps u  :)
  • -1
the speaker in the poem feels that his work is Heavy books and burials of papers and a chance to have some snacks
  • 4
What does homeworks very far suggest
  • 8
The literacy device used in homework sites in top of Sunday is
  • 0
The speaker in this poem feels that is his homework is
  • 3
Please find this answer

  • 0
Very fat
  • -2
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