30/x-y+4y/x+y=10  40/x-y+55/x+y=13

Dear Student,

I assume your question as below and have provided the solution, as it appears to be faulty.

Given : 44x+y  + 30x-y = 10
55x+y  - 40x-y = 13
To find : the values of x and y
Let 1x+y be a and  1x-y be b 
=>   44a +30b =10 .................(1)
 and 55a +40b=13..................(2)
Multiply eq (1) by 4 and eq (2) by 3
=>   176a +120b =40 .................(3)
 and 165a +120b=39..................(4)
Now subtract eq (3) by eq 4 , we get
11a = 1 
=> a = 1/ 11
applying this value of a  in eq 1 we get
=> 44111 + 30 b = 10
=> 30 b = 6
=> b = 1/5 
Now as a = 1x+y and b = 1x-y
=> x+y = 11............(5)
 and x-y = 5.............(6)
adding eq (5) and eq (6) 
=>2x = 16 
=> x= 8 
similarily applying this value in eq (5) we get
=> 8+ y = 11
=> y = 3


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