4.during maths lab activity each student was given four broom sticks of lenths 8 cm , 8cm, 5cm ,5cm to make different types of quadrilaterals .

a. how many quadrilaterals can be formed using these sticks

b. name the types of quadrilaterals formed

c. while doing this activity which value is depicted

During maths Lab activity each student was given four broom sticks of lengths 8 cm, 8cm, 5cm, 5cm to make different types of quadrilaterals
(ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
How many types of quadrilateral can be formed using these sticks?
(a) only one type of quadrilateral
(c)Three types of quadrilateral
Name the type of quadrilaterals formed.
(a) Rectangle, square, rhombus (b)
(c)Rectangle and Parallelogram (d) Rectangle, square, kite and parallelogram
In a trapezium ABCD, DC is parallel to AB and B and A are equal to 450 each. Degree measure of D is
(a) 1050 (b) 1080 (c)1350 (d) 1250
If one of the angle of a rhombus is 550. What will be the degree measure of its
adjacent angle
(a) 350 (b) 1250 (c)550 (d) none of these
P,Q,R and S are mid points of sides AB,BC,CD,DA of quadrilateral ABCD in which AC=BD and AC is perpendicular to BD. PQRS is a
(a) Square (b) Rhombus (c)Kite (d) Parallelogram
  • -7
During maths lab activity each student was given four broom sticks of length 8cm,8cm,5cm,5cm to make different types of quadrilateral. Using above information answer the following questions Choose the correct option (any four) (I) How many quadrilaterals can be formed using these sticks? (a) Only one type of quadrilateral can be formed. (b) Two types of quadrilateral can be formed. (c)Three types of quadrilateral can be formed. (d) Four types of quadrilateral can be formed. (ii) Name the types of quadrilateral formed. (a) rectangle, parallelogram,kite (b) rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium (c) rectangle, square, kite (d) rectangle, parallelogram, square
  • -8
During maths lab activity each student was given four broomsticks of length 8cm,8cm,5cm,5cm to make different types of quadrilateral. Using the above information answer the following questions Choose the correct option (any four) (I) How many quadrilaterals can be formed using these sticks? (a) Only one type of quadrilateral can be formed. (b) Two types of quadrilateral can be formed. (c)Three types of quadrilateral can be formed. (d) Four types of quadrilateral can be formed. (ii) Name the types of the quadrilateral formed. (a) rectangle, parallelogram,kite (b) rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium (c) rectangle, square, kite (d) rectangle, parallelogram, square
  • -2
During Math Lab Activity each student was given four broomsticks of lengths 8cm, 8cm, 5cm, 5cm to make different types of quadrilaterals. Answer the following questions in short:
1. How many quadrilaterals can be formed using these sticks?
2. Name the types of quadrilaterals formed.
3. Explain one property of each quadrilateral formed.
  • -1
Neel vora
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