5. What is single sideband (SSB) communication? 

Dear Student,


Single sideband modulation is a form of amplitude modulation. As the name implies, single sideband, SSB uses only one sideband for a given audio path to provide the final signal.

Single sideband modulation, SSB, provides a considerably more efficient form of communication when compared to ordinary amplitude modulation. It is far more efficient in terms of the radio spectrum used, and also the power used to transmit the signal.Single sideband modulation can be viewed as an amplitude modulation signal with elements removed or reduced. It can be seen that either the upper sideband or lower sideband can be used. There is no advantage between using either the upper or lower sideband. The main criterion is to use the same sideband as used by other users for the given frequency band and application. The upper sideband is more commonly used for professional applications.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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