60ab57377 is divisible by 99 .Find a and b?

In the given question we know that the number 60ab57377 is divisible by 99. We need to find the numbers a and b.

Here, use the fact that a number which is divisible by 99 is also divisible by 9 and 11 separately.

Now, the number 60ab57377 is divisible by 9.
Using the divisibility test, we know that if a number is divisible by 9, then the sum of all the digits of the number should be a multiple of 9. So,

6+0+a+b+5+7+3+7+7=multiple of 9a+b+35=multiple of 9

Now, as a and b are single digit numbers, so they cannot take values greater than 9. So,

a+b=1             ... (1)


a+b=10         ... (2)
Similarly the number 60ab57377 is divisible by 11.
We know that if a number is divisible by 11, then the sum of the alternate digits minus the sum of the remaining digits is a multiple of 11. So,

6+a+5+3+7-0+b+7+7=multiple of 11a+21-b+14=multiple of 11a+21-b-14=multiple of 11a-b+7=multiple of 11

Now, as a and b are single digit numbers, so they cannot take values greater than 9. So,

a-b=4  ... (3)


a-b=-7    ... (4)
Adding equation (2) and (3), we get


Substituting a=7 in equation (2), we get


Therefore, a=7 and b=3

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