A and B are the centres of two unequal circles which intersect at P and Q respectively as shown in figure. Prove that ∠ PAB = ∠ QAB.Also show that M is the mid point of PQ and angles at M are right angles

Since the line segment PQ is drawn connecting the two points where the circles intersect, it is a common chord.

Thus, P and Q lie on both the circles.

Thus, AP = AQ = radius of the bigger circle.

Property of circle:

A line from the centre of a circle to a chord is perpendicular to it and bisects it. 

Thus, AM is perpendicular to PQ and AM bisects PQ.

Thus, it has been proven that:

1. M is the mid-point pf PQ. That is, PM=MQ

2. Angles at are at right angles.  

Thus, we have, AP = AQ (radius of the bigger circles), AM = AM (common side), and PM = MQ.

Therefore, the two triangles PMA and PMB are congruent by SSS congruency.

Hence the and are also congruent.

Thus, we have,

That is,

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