A bag contains 100 A?4 sheets. The weight of one A?4 sheet is 0.01 mg andthe weight of bag (empty bag) is 600.50 gm.Find the weight of the bag along with all A?4 sheets.

Dear Student,

Weight of one A4 sheet = 0.01 mg 

Weight of 100 A4 sheet = 100 x 0.01 = 1 mg 

Weight of empty bag = 600.5 gm = 600500 mg

Weight of bag with 100 A4 sheet = 600500 + 1 = 600501 mg = 600.501 gm


  • 0
In this question there is A4 size sheets.
  • 0
1 gram
  • -2
sory 1 mg
  • -1
601.50 mg
  • -2
Please solve properly
  • 1
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