A big boy threw Douglas into the swimming pool. how did this experience affect Douglas ???

It created a strong fear against water. He never went back to pool.

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it was a near death experience for douglas. he suffered from euphoria due to lack of oxygen during his third journey into the pool. he forgot all his strategy and remembered the comforting thoughts of his childhood. he got to the terms that death is imminent. this experience changed his life by implanting the aversion from water in his heart. whenever he used to see the water his legs used to get rigid and used to suffer from the same pangs he had underwent when he was drowning.

  • 18

Douglas takes us through his near death experience at the Y.M.C.A. pool by detailing every little aspect associated to it. He details minutes of his emotional, mental and physical struggle with the paralyzing fear of being drowned in the water. The first person narration of the incident also helps us to associate with his experience more deeply.

Though he did not lose his wits initially, he panicked when his strategy didnt work. His feeling of suffocation, fear and losing hold on sense perceptions make the readers experience what he does. His eyes couldnt see beyond the dirty yellow water. His voice did not assist him. His nose and mouth could only manage to take water to the lungs. His limbs became paralyzed with fear and his mind dizzy. His desperation to save himself kept him struggling until he went down the third time and blacked out.

  • 5
Douglas takes us through his near death experience at the Y.M.C.A. pool by detailing every little aspect associated to it. He details minutes of his emotional, mental and physical struggle with the paralyzing fear of being drowned in the water. The first person narration of the incident also helps us to associate with his experience more deeply. Though he did not lose his wits initially, he panicked when his strategy didnt work. His feeling of suffocation, fear and losing hold on sense perceptions make the readers experience what he does. His eyes couldnt see beyond the dirty yellow water. His voice did not assist him. His nose and mouth could only manage to take water to the lungs. His limbs became paralyzed with fear and his mind dizzy. His desperation to save himself kept him struggling until he went down the third time and blacked out.
  • -4
The tormenting phobia of water was with him since the incident at Y. M. C. A pool. The fear deprived him of joys of boating and fishing and destroyed his life . A big boy about 18 yrs of age tossed him into the deep side of the pool he was very much scared but did not lose his mind. He planned that he would make a big jump when his feet touch bottom thus he would come to the surface. Unfortunately the plan failed. Douglas then grew panic and started suffocating. He felt that he would die and become unconscious. He felt that the sensation of being dying somehow intensify his zest for life. The fight against terror taught him a very important lesson that' All we have to fear is fear itself' he finally shading off his fear proves that nothing is impossible for one with a firm will and determination.
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