(a)both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of assertion 
(b) both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of assertion 
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Q13 Mixtures of sodium chloride and iron fillings is an example of heterogenous mixture (A)
Constituents (sodium chloride and iron fillings) are distinctly visible and non-uniform in composition. (R)
Q14 Water is a compound (R)  
The constituents of water(hydrogen and oxygen) cannot be seprated by physical  methods, such as filtration, evaporation, etc.(R)

Dear student ,
!3. Both assertion and reason are correct and reason is the correct explaination of the assertion 
Option (a) is correct 
!4 . Option (a) is correct 
water is made by the chemical combination of hydrogen and oxygen in a fixed proportion and can not be separated  and also it in in the pure form  not in mixture form.

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