A box without a lid is made of wood which is 3 cm thick. Its external dimensions are 86 cm x 60 cm x 45 cm. Find:

1. the capacity of the box in cubic centimetres,

2. the volume of wood used in making the box, and

3. the weight of the empty box,if 1 cubic centimetre of wood weighs 0.8 grams..........

We have a cuboidal box with external dimensions (86cm x 60m x 45m).

The thickness of the wood in the box is 3 cm.

The box is open from one end.

Therefore the internal dimensions are (80cm x 54cm x 42cm) as the box is considered to be open along its height at one end 

1> The capacity of the box can be calculated as-

2> Volume of wood used in the box can be calculated as-

3> Density of wood is 0.8 .

We know that,

Mass=Density x Volume

So, weight of the empty box is-

  • 4
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