A capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential difference V0. The charging battery is disconnected and the capacitor is connected to a capacitor of unknown capacitance Cx. The P.D. across the combination is V. The value of Cx should be

A capacitor of capacitance C having potential difference Vo has charge Q=CVo Joules. When the battery is disconnected and unknown capacitor of capacitance Cx is connected charge will be distributed in such a way t​hat it remains conserved.The measued potential difference of both capacitor is V and has net charge Q.So net capacitance is 


And we also know the series and parallel combination for capacitors so

(i)If connected in series 1Cnet=1C+1Cx Using previous values and substituting

VCVo=1C+1CxMultiplying whole equation by CCx  we getVCxVo=Cx+CCxVVo-1=CCx=CVoV-Vo farad

(ii)IF connected in parallel
Cnet=C+Cx Substituting the previous values we haveCVoV=C+CxCx=CVoV-1=CVo-VV farad

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