A car starts from rest and role down with a constant acceleration. It travels a distance of 500 m is 20 sec . calculate its acceleration. If its mass is 4 metric tons what is the force acting on it.

Dear Student,

Initial velocity,
u = 0 (since the truck is initially at rest)

Distance traveled, s = 500 m

Time taken, t = 20 s

According to the second equation of motion:


Acceleration = a

500 = 0(20) + 1/2 a (20)2
500 = 400/2 a
500 = 200 a
5/2 m/s2 = a

1 metric tonne = 1000 kg (We know that)

∴ 4 metric tonnes = 7000 kg

Mass of truck, m = 4000 kg

From Newton’s second law of motion:

Force, F = Mass × Acceleration

F = ma = 4000 × 5/2 = 10000 N

Hence, the acceleration of the truck is 5/2 m/s2 and the force acting on the truck is 10000 N.

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