A child puts one five rupee coin of her savings in the piggy bank on the first day. She increases her savings by one five rupee coin daily. If the piggy bank can hold 190 coins of five rupees in all find the number of days she can continue to put the five rupee coins into it and find the total money she saved.

  • -6
The person according to the question saves 5 rupees per day so difference = 5 and the starting = 5 so by taking we proceed

  • -16
Hope it help you
  • -10
Nothing but final ans is wrong
  • 0
Nothing but final ans is wrong
  • -10
The final ans was 3705
  • -11
First part

  • 57
Last part cheers....

  • 22

  • -11
sorry my answer was wrong
  • -5
corrected answer

  • -10
  • -9
This is the correct answer

  • 20
The correct answer is 19 days and total sum is 950
  • -2
1st part

  • 5
Ap:-1,2,3........190 So a n = 190 a=1 d=1 An=a+(n-1)d 190=1+(n-1)1 181=(n-1) 190=n Total money=5(An) =5•190=950
  • -3

  • 2
The answer is in 19 days, a child can save 950 Rupees
  • 2
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