a child was playing with a egg shell by emerging it in a fresh water and then in strongly salty water .
a. out of two liquids in which the egg shell would sink ? why?
b.explain the phenomenon of sink and float .
c. what do you understand by buoyancy or buoyant force ?
d. name the factors on which buoyant force depends .
e. find out 3 more instances of this phenomenon from your daily life .

a.Egg will sink in fresh water because density of egg is grater than density of fresh water and also density of  strongly salty water is more than that of fresh water , so egg will float in this.

 Law of floating is when average density of the object placed in any liquid is less than that of the liquid then the object will float.

It can also be said in terms of displacements:

Such as whenever a body is put in any fluid it occupies some space and thus displaces some amount of liquid if mass of liquid displaced is more than the weight of the body it is surely going to float.

c.Buoyant force is an upward force exerted by a fluid, which opposes the weight of an object in the fluid. Objects immersed in water observes a loss in weight due to the buoyant force.

d.The two factors on which buoyant force depends are-

the volume of the immersed object and

the density of the fluid in which the object is immersed.

e.sinking of iron coin in water,floating of plastic on water and floating of ship on the sea.

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a. The egg shell would sink in strongly salty water because there is more density.
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a)it will sink in fresh water because the buoyant force will be less than the weight of the egg.
b)if an object's upthrust is less than its weight then it sinks and if it is greater it floats.
c)the force applied in upward direction by all fluids is known as buoyant force/upthrst
e)sinking of iron coin in water,floating of plastic on water and floating of ship on the sea
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