a cirlce is inscribed in a triangle ABC with P , R , Q as the mid points if side AB , BC , AC respectively . and r is radius of the circle .

prove that

  1. AB + CQ = AC +BQ
  2. ar of triangle ABC = 1/2 (Perimeter of triangle ABC) * r

given: P, Q and R are the midpoints of the sides AB , BC and AC respectively.

r is the radius of the in circle of triangle ABC.



AP = AR........(1) [ the lengths of the tangents drawn from an external point to the circle are equal]

2AP = 2 AR 

AB = AC......(2) [P and R are the mid points of AB and AC]

CQ = BQ .......(3)[Q is the mid point of BC]

adding (2) and (3)


which is the result (1)


let the center of the circle be O.

line joining the point of contact to the center is perpendicular to the tangent.

therefore OP⊥AB , OQ⊥BC and OR⊥AC

and OP = OQ = OR = radius of the circle

area (ΔABC) = area(ΔAOB)+area(ΔBOC)+area(ΔCOA)

= 1/2 (perimeter of the triangle ABC)*r

hope this helps you

  • 37
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