A code word is to consist of two distinct English letters followed by distinct numbers from 1 to 9. eg,CA23 is a code.

a) How many such codes are there?

b) How many of them end with an even integer?

2  letters out of 26 letters can be chosen in C226 ways.
and these two can be arranged in 2! ways
2 numbers out of 9 numbers can be chosen in C29 ways
and theses two numbers can be arranged in 2! ways.
therefore total number of such codes = C226*2!*C29*2!
2 letters out of 26 letters can be chosen in C226 ways
and it can be arranged in 2! ways.
thus first two place can be filled in C226.2!=26*25=650 ways
if the code ends with even number 4th place can be filled with 2,4,6,8, i.e. 4 ways
and the 3rd place can be filled by 8 ways [number except the number placed in 4th place
therefore total number of codes which end with even integer

hope this helps you

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