A compound X of sodium forms a white powder. it is a constituent of baking powder and is used in some antacid prescriptions. When heated , X gives out a gas and steam. The gas forms a white precipitate with limewater. write the chemical formula and name of X and the chemical equation for its decomposition on heating. write the chemical formula and name of X and the chemical equation for its decomposition on heating. what is its role in baking powder and in antacids

"X" here is baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate / Sodium Hydrogen Cardonate (NaHCo3)
NaHCo3, when heated, gives: Na2Co3 + H2O + Co2
the chemical equation is:
NaHCo3 → Na2Co3 + H2O + Co2

NaHCo3 is a base, so it neutralizes the excess Hcl in the stomach when it plays the role of an anti-acid.
Baking soda, when used by itself for baking purposes, leaves a bitter taste in the baked item due to the sodium carbonate formed. To make baking powder,it is mixed with tartaric acid, a mild, edible acid to neutralise the base of sodium carbonate. This is how baking soda gives its property of making a baked item fluffy to baking powder.

The gas that reacts with lime water is Co2. The white precipitate it leaves is Calcium Carbonate.

Hope this helps! c:


  • 5
*Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
  • -2
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