A female is blamed for giving birth to a baby girl. Do you agree with it? If not, State suitable reasons also draw a flow chart by which it can be proved that a female is not to be blamed for the cause.

Dear student,     
Please find below the solution to the asked query      
No, it is not true. A female should not be blamed for the birth of a female child. This can be understood from the following chart:

In human beings, the females have two X chromosomes and the males have one X and one Y chromosome. Therefore, the females are XX and the males are XY.

The gametes, as we know, receive half of the chromosomes. The male gametes have 22 autosomes and either X or Y sex chromosome.

Type of male gametes: 22+X OR 22+ Y.

However, since the females have XX sex chromosomes, their gametes can only have X sex chromosome.

Type of female gamete: 22+X

Thus, the mother provides only X chromosomes. The sex of the baby is determined by the type of male gamete (X or Y) that fuses with the X chromosome of the female.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
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i am not agree with it that female is blamed for this cause in todays generation girls and boys are  treated equally
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no female cannot be blamed for not giving birth to a boy baby, it is because the female chromosomes always contain "x x" whille the male chromosomes contain "x y".the male chromosome decide the sex of th child. if it is x chromosome the child will be a boy and if  a man deposits a y chromoses the child will be a girl.
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