A green space in your locality has long served as the park for children a meeting palace for older citizens of jogging trial and heaven for words apart from this one greenspace your locality is crowded residential Colony now local developers want to use the place for a mall commercial park in space given on the next page write a letter to the municipal authority outlining the consequences that residence of your Colony would face if the green space is destroyed

Such questions are made for enhancing the self creative skills and should be tried answering on your own. However, here are a few points that will help you in framing your answer: 
  • Make sure to include the formal letter format
  • Keep the letter precise and mention only important points 
  • Mention why the park needs to be saved - as it is used by children and old people
  • Write about the importance of greenery for our environment - Parks provide recreational and aesthetic beauty , the presence of trees in a urban neighbourhood reduces heat, Trees in the park provide fresh air, it is a place for physical activities such as walking and jogging 
You may feel free to contact us if you face any issue or difficulty while composing your answer. You can also send us your answers here for a feedback and required corrections, if any.

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