a hemispherical bowl of uniform thickness 1 cm and external diameter of 20 cm is full of water.water is emptied in a cylindrical vessel of internal diameter 12 cm.find the height of water level in the cylindrical vessel.

Given thickness =1 cmExternal  diameter=20cmSo external radius=202=10cmWe know thatExternal radius= internal radius+thicknessSo,  internal radius=External radius-thickness=10-1=9cmNow volume of hemisphere=23πr3=486πNow volume of cylinder=πr2h486π=πr2h  volume of hemispher= volume of cylinder486=36hSo, h=13.5cm

  • 1
Thickness = 1 cm
External diameter = 20 cm
External radius = 20/2= 10cm
Internal radius = 10-1 = 9 cm (as thickness = 1cm)
Volume of hemisphere =2/3x 22/7x r3
                                          = 2/3x 22/7 x 9 x 9 x 9
Cylinder: - 3
Diameter = 12cm
Radius = 6 cm
Volume of cylinder = 22/7x r2xh
                                   =22/7 x 6 x 6 x h
Volume of hemisphere = volume of cylinder (as water is emptied)
2/3 x 22/7 x 9 x 9 x 9        = 22/7 x 6 x 6 x h
2/3 x 22/7 x 9 3 x 9 x 9     =22/7 x 6 x 6 x h
2 x 3 x 9 x 9                       = 6 x 6 x h
2 x 3 x 9 3x 9/ 6 x 6 2        =h  
3 x 9 / 2                             =h  
h= 13.5 cm
height of the water in the cylinder = 13.5 cm

hope this will help you !!! thumbs up please  if you like this !!! 
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