a jar contais3000 white,black and red beads . the beads are thouroughlymixed and a sample of 60 taken. the sample is found to contain 17 white beads ,32 black beads and 11 red beads. estimate the number of beads of each colour in the jar.

Answer :

We have 3000 white black and red beads

And a sample of 60 taken , then in sample we found 17 white beads ,32 black beads and 11 red beads. 

We get ratio of white beads in 60  = 1760
White beads in 3000  = 1760×3000 =  17 ×50 = 850
We get ratio of black beads in 60  = 3260
Black beads in 3000  = 3260×3000 =  32 ×50 = 1600
We get ratio of red beads in 60  = 1160
Red beads in 3000  = 1160×3000 =  11 ×50 = 550
we can estimate total white beads in jar  =  850  ,  black beads  =  1600 and red beads  =  550                                   ( Ans )

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