a long narrow strip tease illuminated by blue light and the diffraction pattern is obtained on a white screen how the width of bands changes the distance from the centre increases what happens to the width of pattern if yellow light is used instead of blue light in a double slit experiment the slits are separated by0.03 cm and the screen is placed 1.5 metre away the distance between the central friends and fourth bright fringes on centimetre determine the wavelength of light used in the experiment what do you mean by limit limit of resolution of an optical instrument

Dear Student

Your question is not clear. Seems you have mixed many questions in one.
I am giving answer to few:
"what happens to the width of pattern if yellow light is used instead of blue light in a double slit experiment"

The fringe width in Young's double slit experiment is given by ,
where , D= distance of screen from slits
d= distance between slits
λ= wavelength of the light used
It is clear from formula that ,
Now , if blue light is used instead of yellow light , we know that
Blue light has less wavelength than yellow light
As the wavelength decreases due to blue light , therefore fringe width will decrease .

Please check your question and get back to us so that we can help you in better way.


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