A purse has only 2 rupees and 5 rupee coin. The total value of the coin is 132. If the number of 5 rupee coins is one third the number of 2 rupee coin. Find the number of each type of coin.

Let 2 rupee coin = x 

and 5 rupee coin = x/3

Acc. to the question,

2x+5(x/3) =132

  • 1

Let the number of 2 rupee coins be = x

Let the number of 5 rupee coins = x/3

2x + (x/3 x 5) = 2x + 5x/3

11x/3 = 132

11x = 132 x 3

x = 396/11

= 36

So,the no. of 2 rupee coins = 36

The no. of 5 rupee coins = 36/3 = 12

  • 8
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