A rhombus shaped sheet with perimeter 40 cm and one diagonal is 12 cm, is painted on both sides at the rate of rs.5 per m sq. find the cost of painting. need the answer fast. pls help

let ABCD be a rhombus,

perimeter = 40

so, AB=BC=CD=DA=10

let diagnols ACBD intersect at O

so let BD =12

or BO=6so in trangle AOB

AB2= AO2+OB2





so area of rhombus is 1/2*d1*d2

ar ABCD = 1/2*12*16


total area of both sides = 192 cm2

cost of painting 1 m2 = Rs 5

cost of painting 10000 cm2 = Rs 5       (1m sq = 10,000 cm sq)

cost of painting 1 cm2 = Rs 5/10000

cost of painting 192 cm2 = Rs 5/10000 * 192

cost of painting 192 cm2 = Re 0.096

it will cost 9.6 paise for painting both the sides of rhombus

  • 35

it will cost rs.9.2

  • -15
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