A Russian girl, Maria Sharapova, reached the summit of women’s tennis when she was barely eighteen. As you read about her, see if you can draw a comparison between her and Santosh Yadav.

1. Match the following.

something disarming

quickly, almost immediately

at odds with

more calm, confident and in control than people of her age usually are

glamorous attire

in contrast to; not agreeing with

in almost no time

something that makes you feel friendly, taking away your suspiciousness

poised beyond her years

sent off

packed off

attractive and exciting clothes


causing strong feelings of sadness

heart wrenching


2. As you read, look for the answers to these questions.

– Why was Maria sent to the United States?

– Why didn’t her mother go with her?

– What are her hobbies? What does she like?

– What motivates her to keep going?


something disarming

something that makes you feel friendly, taking away your suspiciousness

at odds with

in contrast to; not agreeing with

glamorous attire

attractive and exciting clothes

in almost no time

quickly, almost immediately

poised beyond her years

more calm, confident and in control than people of her age usually are

packed off

sent off



heart wrenching

causing strong feelings of sadness


Maria was sent to the United States for her tennis training.

Her mother could not go with her because of visa restrictions.

Her hobbies are fashion, singing and dancing. She likes reading the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle. She has a fondness for sophisticated evening gowns, pancakes with chocolate spread and fizzy orange drinks.

Apart from money, the motivation to become number one in the world keeps her going.

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