A shady plot

​Q1. 'It's ....... so cheap ! I got it at a bargain sale."

      (a) What has been bought cheap ?

       (b) Do you think the narrator would be happy with this news ? Why / Why not ?

       (c) Who had asked the narrator to avoid its use ?

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

a) An Ouija board has been bought by Lavinia and she talks about this to her husband.
b) The narrator was not happy to hear this because he had been asked by the ghost Helen to stop the people from using the board.
c) The ghost named Helen had asked him to stop the use of it.

I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team.
Thank you.  

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a) A Ouija board

b) No because ghost Helen said not to use and restrict others to not use Ouija board

c)Ghost Helen
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