a short seminar and important points on water cycle and rain

WATER CYCLE- The water cycle describes the movement of water throughout Earth's surface, atmosphere, and underground. Water is constantly moving from one place to another through the processes of evaporation, precipitation, transpiration, condensation, and runoff. Water in the water cycle can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. The water cycle is very important to life on Earth. INTERESTING FACTS OF WATER CYCLE-- Water is a resource that cannot be created by man. The sun is the driving force of the water cycle. Whenever water changes from one state to another and moves from one place to another, it either gives off energy or absorbs energy. Transpiration is the process by which water evaporates from plant leaves into the atmosphere. When water evaporates into the atmosphere, it cools and condenses to form clouds through a process called condensation. Aquifers are underground water reservoirs made of rocks and minerals that store freshwater. Groundwater or water stored in the Earth's surface can remain there for thousands of years before moving. Really old groundwater is called fossil water. About 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Water is not only stored underground but also in icecaps, snow, and glaciers. Water is constantly being recycled so the water you drink today could be the same water dinosaurs drank millions of years ago. When the clouds get too heavy from collecting water, they release it through a process called precipitation. Precipitation can occur in the form of falling rain, sleet, snow, or hail. After water falls during precipitation, it either becomes a part of a body of water like an ocean or lake or it seeps into the ground. Only about 3% of the water on Earth is freshwater or water that we can drink.

1.The umbrella was originally invented to protectpeoplefrom the hot sun.

2.Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour.To take this into
perspective, asnowflake fallsatabout 2-4 mph can take about 1 hourtofinally
reach the ground.

3.Rain starts off as ice or snow crystals at cloud level.A droplet of water will stay in Earths atmosphere for around 10 days.

5.Heavy rain is classified as being more then 0.30 inches of rain an hour.If droplets are very small.Light rain is classified as being no more then 0.10 inches of rain an hour.Rainfall observations and
records are made by thousands of stations throughout the world.Rainfall is measured, in terms of inches or milli meters of depth.

they are typically known as drizzle.

6.Louisiana is the wettest state in the U.S, which receoved an annual rainfall of 56 inches.But on averagethere areover 1500thunderstorms occurring on earth with 100 lightning strikes per second.You
have about a one and thee million chance in being struck by lightning and during a hurricane, almost 100% of people that die end up drowning.

7.Rain drops range in size from 0.02 inches to about .031 inches.About aninch of rain water is equaltoabout 15 inches of dry snow.

8.Rain drops do not fall in a tear drop shape, they originally fall in the shave of a flat oval.

9.Rain that freezes before it hits the ground is known as frozen rain.

10.Rain is recycled water that evaporated from our worlds lakes, rivers, oceans, seas etc.Once evaporated the water will eventually fall as precipitation anda droplet of water may travel thousands of miles throughout this process.
Anjala u can say any points from this in ur seminar... hope this help thumb up plzzzzz....

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