(A) The electronic configuration of phosphorus atom is 2,8,5 . It gains 3 electrons . What is it's valency ?
(B) There are 19 protons and 18 electrons in an ion. Write the charge carried by the ion .
Please expert's answer my question as fast as you can.

Dear Student,
(A) Valency is defined as the number of valence electron an atom has to gain or lose from its outermost orbit to reach its nearest inert gas configuration. Here, phosphorous gains 3 electrons to reach its nearest inert gas configuration of 2,8,8. So, its valency is 3.
(B) Given,
There are 19 protons and 18 electrons in an ion. Now charge carried by a proton is +1 an by an electron is -1. So net charge is:-
(1)( No. of protons)+(-1)(No. of electrons) = 19-18 = +1.

  • 1
  • -1
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