a train starting froma railway station and moving with uniform acceleration attains a speed 40 km / h in 10 minutes . find its acceleration

  • 0

initial velocity (u) = 0m/s

final velocity (v) = 40km/h = 40 * 5/18 m / s= 1.11m/s

time= 10 miutes = 600s

acceleration= (v-u)/total time = (1.11-0)/600 = 1.11/600m/s2 = 1.83m/s2

  • 1

u(initial velocit)= 0

v(final velocit)=40km/h

time=10min=10/60 hr

acceleration=rate of change of velocity/time=(v-u)/t

a=40-0/10/60=40*60/10=240 km/h2

But in question it should be velocity not speed.

  • 2
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