ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB=AC IF D and E are midpoints of AB and AC respectively, prove that B,C,D and E are concyclic.

Please reply soon.


Given: ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC

D and E are the mid points of AB and AC


Now in ∆ABC

∠ABC = ∠ACB  (angles opposite to equal sides are equal)

⇒ ∠DBC = ∠ECB          ...  (1)


and since D and E are mid point of AB and AC

∴ DE || BC           (mid point theorem)

⇒ ∠EDB + ∠DBC = 180°          (Linear pair)  ...  (2)  


from (1) and (2)

∠EDB + ∠ECB = 180°


Since opposite angles of quadrilateral DBCE are supplementary

Hence points B, C, D, E are concyclic

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