ABCD is a rectangle with 'o' as any point in its interior. if area of triangle AOD=3cm square and area triangle BOC= 6cm square then find the area of rectangle ABCD.

given: ABCD is a rectangle, and O is any point in its interior.

area(ΔAOD)= 3 sqcm  and area(ΔBOC)=6 sq cm.

from O draw a line EF parallel to AB intersecting AD at E and BC at F.

therefore OE⊥AD and OF⊥BC.

let OE=x and OF=y


therefore x+y=AB......(1)

area(ΔAOD)+area(ΔBOC)=3+6=9 sq cm.

since BC=AD [opposite sides of a rectangle]

since EF=AB


area of the rectangle ABCD = AB*AD=18

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