According to bohr bury scheme the electron configuration of an element is done by the 2n^2 rule. So it will be 2,8,18,32... But in the periodic table the electron configuration is 2,8,8,18,18,32,32. Did this proves that bohr bury's is scheme wrong??

Dear Student,

No, Bohr Bury's scheme is not wrong. It gives the maximum number of electrons that can be accomodated in a shell by 2n2 where n is the shell number. For eg. K shell can accomodate 2 electron. L shell can accomodate 8, M shell can accomodate 18, etc.
Whereas, in the periodic table the electronic configuration is based on the sequence in which energy levels (sub shells) are filled. The sub shells lies beneath the shells. 
For eg. K shell has 1 sub shell i.e. 1s which has total 2 electron
L shells has 2 sub shell i.e. 2s and 2p which has total (2+6)8 electrons
M shell has total 3 sub shell i.e. 3s, 3p and 3d which has total (2+6+10) i.e 18 electrons.
N shells has total 4 sub-shell i.e. 4s.4p,4d and 4f which has total (2+6+10+14) i.e. 32 electrons.

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