According to.this diagram......which is the correct day ?? Wednesday in table A or Friday in table B??? And why ??

According to.this diagram......which is the correct day ?? Wednesday in table A or Friday in table B??? And why ?? ÅGding time wak gotng and hence it was 00.00 hours of Thursday. So she thought that she has now entered in Wednesday. According to MeenaJ, therefore. it was Wednesday. According to Sunil, the time was going ahead and hence, it was 24.00 hours Of nursday night means he thought that now he entered in Friday. According to Sunil, therefore, it was Friday. Thursday 02.00 Thursday 04.00 120' w Thursday 06.00 Thursday 08.00 10.00 Friday ? Thursday 00.00 00 Greenwich Thursday 12.00 Noon Thursday 24.00 1500 E Thursday 22.00 Thursday 1200 E 20.00 18.00 600 E Thursday 16.00 300 E Thursday 14.00 (1) What is the dav at Wednesday

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