Activity to demonstrate mechanism of sound produced in human body.....

Dear Student

•Sound is a form of energy produced by an object that vibrates, moving backwards and forwards. The vibrating object causes nearby air molecules to vibrate back and forth, and these molecules cause others to vibrate.
  • This results in a compression wave travelling through the air.
  • The frequency of the vibration of air molecules is the same as the frequency of the vibrating object.
  • Structures which assist in the production of sound are shown in the diagram below.

    The larynx or voice box lies directly below the tongue and soft palate. Inside the larynx are the vocal cords, which consist of muscles which can adjust pitch by altering their position and tension. Together, the larynx, tongue and hard and soft palate make speech possible. When air passes over the vocal cords in the larynx, they produce sounds that can be altered by the tongue, together with the hard and soft palate, the teeth and the lips.


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