adolescence is an exciting phase, but it could be turbulent too.explain this statement.

It is an exciting phase because in this stage only our starts growing quickly and changes in many ways..we also feel that we are really growing up..the changes also mean we have more responsibility...While it could be a turbulent too because in this one feels independent and makes choices on his own for his future this one starts growing emotionally,socially and intellectually..they want someone to share his or her personal things.....HOPE THIS THIS ANSWER MAY HELP U..I had explained this answer...:))
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Adolescence is an exciting phase of growth marked by a series of changes at the physical, sexual, emotional and social levels.We feel like a grown up capable of taking decisions on our own and learn to handle tasks independently.The changes also mean that you have become more responsible.But it is tuebulent because during this period most of the adolescents face many difficulties in passing their childhood to maturity.There are cases when problems in growth and hormonal balance lead to discomfort and anxiety among many adolescents. Some of the problems are growth spurts in height, menstrual irregularities, acne and obesity.As a result, several adolescents become self-concious of their physical development and become anxious and critical of themselves.
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