All character sketch of novel invisible man?

all charater sketch of novel
 is the surname of the story's protagonist. His name is not mentioned until about halfway through the book. Consumed with his greed for power and fame, he is the model of science without humanity. A gifted young student, he becomes interested in the science of refraction. During his experiments, he accidentally discovers chemicals (combined with an unspecified kind of radiation) that would make tissue invisible. Obsessed with his discovery, he tries the experiment on himself and becomes invisible. However, he does not know how to reverse the process, and he slowly discovers that the advantages of being invisible do not outweigh the disadvantages and the problems he faces. Thus begins his downfall as he takes the road to crime for his survival, revealing in the process his lack of conscience, inhumanity and complete selfishness. He progresses from obsession to fanaticism, to insanity, and finally to his fateful end.

Dr. Kemp[edit]

Dr. Kemp is a scientist living in the town of Port Burdock. He is a former acquaintance of Griffin, who knew Kemp to be interested in strange, bizarre aspects of science. Kemp continues to study science as he hopes to be admitted to The Royal Society. His scientific temperament makes him listen to the story Griffin tells him. He does not become hysterical nor does he behave like the locals. Griffin hopes Kemp would support him in his evil schemes and help him live a normal life, but Kemp is too decent to join him. He is repelled by Griffin's brutality and considers him insane and homicidal. He betrays Griffin to the police. He keeps his cool throughout the plot, when the final hunt for Griffin begins. Kemp helps in the final capture and killing of Griffin.

In the 1933 Universal film adaptation, Kemp is given the first name Arthur and is played by William Harrigan. Unlike the novel, Kemp in the film does not survive to the end of the story

Janny Hall[edit]

Janny Hall is the wife of Mr. Hall and the owner of the Coach and Horses Inn. A very friendly, down-to-earth woman who enjoys socialising with her guests, Mrs. Hall is continually frustrated by the mysterious Griffin's refusal to talk with her, and by his repeated temper tantrums. She vents her frustrations on her maid, Millie, and becomes suspicious of Griffin.

Mrs. Hall appears in the 1933 film adaptation, where she was played by Una O'Connor.

George Hall[edit]

George Hall is the husband of Mrs. Hall and helps her run the Coach and Horses Inn. He was the first person in Iping to suspect that Griffin is invisible: when a dog bites him and tears his glove, Griffin retreats to his room and Hall follows to see if he is all right, only to see Griffin without his glove and handless (or so it appears to Hall).

Mr. Hall appears in the 1933 film adaptation, where his first name is changed to Herbert; he is seriously injured by Griffin. He is portrayed by Forrester Harvey.

Thomas Marvel[edit]

Thomas Marvel is a droll tramp unwittingly recruited to assist the Invisible Man as his first visible partner. He carries the Invisible Man's scientific notebooks and stolen money. Eventually Marvel grows afraid of his unseen partner and flees to Port Burdock, taking both the notebooks and the money with him, where he seeks police protection. Although the Invisible Man is furious and vows revenge, he becomes preoccupied with hiding from the law and retaliating against Dr. Kemp, and Marvel is spared. Marvel eventually uses the stolen money to open his own inn, which he calls the Invisible Man, and prospers. The novel ends with him secretly "marvelling" at Griffin's notes (though not comprehending them). It turns out Marvel kept the notes and only views them when there is nobody around, so nobody can know Griffin's secrets — or that Marvel has them.

Marvel does not appear in the 1933 film adaptation, but does appear in Alan Moore's comics series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Colonel Adye[edit]

Colonel Adye is the chief of police in the town of Port Burdock. He is called upon by Dr. Kemp when the Invisible Man turns up in Kemp's house. Adye saves Kemp from the Invisible Man's first attempt on his life and leads the hunt for the unseen fugitive. He mostly follows Kemp's suggestions in planning the campaign against the Invisible Man. He is eventually shot by the Invisible Man with Kemp's revolver. Upon being shot, Adye is described as falling down and not getting back up.

Dr. Cuss[edit]

Dr. Cuss is a doctor living in the village of Iping. Intrigued by tales of a bandaged stranger staying at the Coach and Horses Inn, Dr. Cuss goes to see him under the pretence of asking for a donation to the nurse's fund. Cuss is scared away after Griffin pinches his nose with an invisible hand. Cuss immediately goes to see the Rev. Bunting, who, not surprisingly, does not believe the doctor's wild story and is quite amused to hear it . Later, Cuss and Bunting obtain the Invisible Man's notebooks, but these are subsequently stolen back from them by the invisible Griffin, when he also takes both men's clothes.

J.A. Jaffers[edit]

J.A. Jaffers is a constable in the town of Iping. He is called upon by George Hall and Janny Hall to arrest Griffin after they suspect him of robbing the Reverend Bunting. He quickly overcomes his shock at the discovery that Griffin is invisible, and is determined to arrest him in spite of this. The Invisible Man knocks him unconscious in his flight from Iping.

Jaffers appears in the 1933 film adaptation.


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Mr. Griffin: He is a gifted young university medical student with albinism, who studies optical density. He believes he is on the verge of a great scientific discovery. Working reclusively in his flat, he invents a formula to bend the light and reduce the refractive index of physical objects, making them invisible. He experiments on himself and makes himself invisible. Consumed with the greed for power and fame, he is the model of science without humanity. His downfall begins as he takes the road to crime for his survival, revealing in the process his lack of conscience, inhumanity and complete selfness. He progresses from obsession to fanaticism, to insanity and finally to his fateful end.  Griffins life changed after he became invisible. The way he saw the society and how they saw him was the major change or cause that effected his life. He was isolated from the society because he couldn’t be seen. Griffin was frustrated because people wanted to enquire about his clothing and weird acts rather help him reverse the invisibility. Marvel had betrayed him and this made him more frustrated towards the society. After being invisible, he was involved in tricking people, hurting the, killing a few and stealing money. Rather the using this for the scientific purposes he used thus to manipulate and carry out his own evil ideas. In the end, we see that the invisible man looses all of the good in him or he looses the human values in him and turns his frustration into vengeance and anger. He wasn’t able to convey his ideas to the society neither were they willing to know about it. This finally caused the death of the invisible man as the society labeled him as a potential threat.
Thomas Marvel: He is a jolly tramp with no home or job. He wanders from place to place, usually asking people for food or money. The author has unwittingly recruited him to assist the invisible man as his first visible partner. He carries around the invisible man’s books for him. He wears a shabby high hat, and we first meet him considering two pair of boots as a charity. There is an air of abandon and eccentricity about him. He was bearded, plump and of short limbs. He wore a furry silk hat, twine and shoelaces are a substitute for buttons at critical points of his costume. He drinks a lot and when he heard the invisible man for the first time, he thought that it was his dizziness due to drink that he sounded like this. He is a practical man as he acceded to the request of the invisible man after knowing that an invisible man is a man of power and can help him a lot.  
Dr.Kemp: he is a scientist living in the town of burdock. His house is situating near the jolly cricketers pub. He is cool and methodical in approach. He do not easily believe in supernatural things. He is an old friend of griffin, the invisible man. Kemp has a hard time accepting the fact that his friend, who he had not seen for years, suddenly appears uninvited and invisible, but eventually he overcomes his hock, sits down and talks with the old friend of University College. His scientific temperament makes him listen to the story Griffin tells him. He does not become hysterical nor does he behave like the locals. Griffin hopes Kemp would support him in his evil schemes and help him live a normal life, but Kemp is too decent to join him. He is repelled by Griffin's brutality and considers him insane and homicidal. He betrays Griffin to the police. He keeps his cool throughout the plot, when the final hunt for Griffin begins. Kemp helps in the final capture and killing of Griffin.
Mr. Oliver: he is professor by the profession but a journalist by instinct. Griffin was his student. Oliver was a scientific founder. Oliver was a thief of ideas. He was, as stated, journalist by instinct, always ina n attempt to steal the ideas, theory, thesis and research conceived and developed by others and o receive all the credits for some others work. As a result he was prying at every one whom he came into contact. It is therefore evident that he was not a trust worthy person even being into a holistic profession of teaching and do not form a good opinion of himself among his press and students. People would like to keep distance from him to prevent any kind of intellectual harm.
Custom shop owner: he had an uncanny sense of hearing and he turned around at the slightest sound to see himself. When the invisible man entered the costume shop, the sound of the door brought the owner to the entrance. Seeing no one at the door, he cursed the street boys. The invisible man followed him about the rooms. If he heard any sound, he blamed the rats or some ghost. While walking through the customs in the room, things fell off from the shelves and made a noise. This made the owner angry and he was there with a revolver. He stated locking all the rooms.
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Griffin, the protagonist of the story, aka the invisible man, is known to be mysterious, desolate and implosive. He could never feel belongingness to a larger community. The novel opens with the stranger's arrival at the inn 'Coach and Horses', muffled up entirely in white bandage from head to toe. His pink nose was the only thing that was visible. He was dressed in a long black coat and a black brimmed hat concealing almost his entire face. During his time at the inn, he tries his best to conceal his identity. He hated audience of any kind, and abruptly cut short anyone who tried to talk to him. This way, Griffin had created an atmosphere of mystery and a doubt of deceit in the inn. His strange behaviour further gave in to rumours of him being associated with anarchy, theft and insanity. Griffin tries to keep his calm but fails to succeed when Mrs.Hall, the innkeeper, demands explanations from him. He finally reveals his identity and resolves at starting a reign of terror.
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Dr. Kemp


In the 1933 Universal film adaptation, Kemp is given the first name Arthur and is played by William Harrigan. Unlike the novel, Kemp in the film does not survive to the end of the story.





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The story contains both external and internal conflict. In either case, both the protagonist and the antagonist is Griffin himself as he has made himself his own worst enemy. The external conflicts that Griffin causes are between Griffin and various members of the town as his invisibility is gradually discovered. People react with fear and then with terror as Griffin aggravates the situation by lashing out against people as soon as they figure him out. The people accept his existence with surprising lack of suspicion about the possibility of such an occurrence, which may be a lack on the author’s part. Once they believe that he exists, the primary goal is to apprehend and imprison him. Although motives are not elaborated upon, it would seem that different people in the town have different notions of what they might do when and if they could capture the man. Griffin also ultimately sees Kemp as an enemy although he had at first believed that Kemp would be both sympathetic and cooperative.
The most important conflict is internal as Griffin himself struggles to live with his situation. He rationalizes his crimes rather than making any sane attempt to get people to understand his predicament. He uses force to get people to help him and goes from bad to worse in his attempts to replenish his research materials for experiments in reversing the process that rendered him invisible. There is no real depth of character. Griffin simply runs from place to place trying to survive by increasingly decadent methods.
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The invisible man is both the protagonist and antagonist of the novel. He was stranger when he arrived in the iping he had a strange appearance when he comes in the iping his whole body is covered with bandages as he meet with a serious accident his face is covered with a cloth only his pink nose is seen. he is a very greedy person and he always thinks about himself he is the reason of his father death he is very selfish and doesn't think about the others he is a great scientist in physics he deals with the laws of physics. Griffin also forced the marvel to be his partner in all the crimes and also beat and forced him. he is irritable impatient and always lost his temper he is very lonely he always thinks about himself. He also has his three books in which he had written in the cypher language. 
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