all food chain begins with green plants. why?

Dear student,
All food chains begin with green plants because plants are the only organisms which can use sunlight as the source of energy to synthesise food. They are the primary producers as they have the maximum amount of energy which is transmitted to higher trophic level in the food chain. Only 10%​ of energy is transfered at each trophic level in the food chain. Therefore, tertiary consumers have least amount of energy.


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food :where does it come from
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All food chains begin with green plants because green plants are the only substance on earth that can make its own food in the presence of sunlight and air.
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The food chain, which is sometimes called a food web, starts with plants because they are the producers. Plants are called producers because they use energy from the sun to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis. Plants make a variety of nutrients which are responsible for supporting healthy life for both animals and human beings.

Right after plants, a food chain consists of primary consumers which are organisms that basically feed on plants. These organisms include things like antelopes, squirrels, elks or any other animals that feed exclusively on plants. Another term for primary consumers is herbivores.

Right above primary consumers are secondary consumers which are organisms that feed on primary consumers. These organisms are sometimes referred to as carnivores which is another term for flesh eaters. Examples of secondary consumers include cats, cheetahs, leopards and tigers.

Right above secondary consumers are tertiary consumers who are able to feed on secondary consumers, primary consumers and producers. These are sometimes referred to as omnivores and include human beings and bears.

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It is because green plants are the only food producers
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the food chain begins with plants because a herbivore eat plant and then the carnivore eat a herbivore
if there are no plants then herbivores will die directly and the carnivore will die indirectly 
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Food chain begins with green plants because they need abiotic components to make food whereas we use biotic component like wheat and vegetables
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All food chains begin with plants as they are producers . 

Producers can make their own food & don't depend on anyone for food .

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as theyre  primary consumers
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A food chain begins with plants because a herbivore eats plants and a carnivore or an omnivore eats the herbivore. In this way the chain continues as green plants as their starting point. If green plants weren't there at the staring of a food chain, no life would have existed today.
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Because herbivires animals eat green plant and carnivores animals eat them. Like a cow eats grass now lion will eat the cow. Human beings also eat plants and animals.
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Because they are primary consumers.
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because they produce their own food
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As they are primary consumer.
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