An estate argent charges for sales of property 10% on the first 300000 and 5% on the remainder if the seller recieved 1620000 what where the total sales made

Dear student
assuming: Rs 16,20,000 is total amount receoved by the seller and charges of estate agent has to be paid yet.and you want to know about the charges of estate agent.
charges for first Rs 3,00,000 is Rs 30,000i.e. (10 % of rS 3,00,000)
Remaining amount left Rs 16,20,000 - Rs 3,00,000 = Rs 13,20,000
charges paid on Rs 13,20,000 is Rs 66,000 i.e.(5 %of Rs 13,20,000)
total chagres charged by estate agent is RS (30,000 + 66,000)i.e. RS 96,000

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