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That look suspiciously loke a pelican beak
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Area of Quadrilateral AEFD  = 196 cm² ,Area of Δ ABC =49 cm² , Area of Semi Circle = 77 cm² , Area of Shaded region = 70 cm²
Step-by-step explanation:  

BC = 14 cm

AB = BC/2 = 14/2 = 7 cm

BC = Diameter = 14 cm

BE = Radius = 7 cm

AE = AB + BE = 7 + 7 = 14 cm

AD = EF = BC = 14 cm

Area of Square AEFD = 14 * 14 = 196 cm²

Area of Δ ABC = (1/2) * 14 * 7  = 49 cm²

Area of Semi Circle = (1/2)π R²

= (1/2) (22/7) * 7²

= 77 cm²

Area of Shaded region = 196 - 49 - 77

= 70 cm²

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