Answer me fast of the question

Dear Student
Work is said to be done whenever a force acts on a body and the body moves due to the force.
The S.I unit of work is Joule.
one joule of work is said to be done when a force of one newton displaces a body through a distance of 1 meter in its own direction.

Positive work done =W= FS cos Ф
Where F is force
s is distance moved.
Ф is angle between force and displacement.

W = f.s 
Work = force × displacement
       = 250N × 50m
       = 12500 J
the work done is negative because the force of friction and displacement are acting in the opposite direction.

If displacemnt is in perpendicualr direction to the direction of force then work done is zero.

W= F.s = Fs cos θ = Fs cos 90 = 0
The work done by a object in the circular path is zero, because, in case of circle, the net displacement is always zero. 



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