Answer of question 1. iii and viii

Write down the square of
(iii) 5c + 2d
(viii)  1 2 a 4 + 1 3 b 7

Dear Student.

1-iii) We know that (A+B)2=A2+B2+2ABso (5c+2d)2=25c2+4d2+2×5c×2d25c2+4d2+20cdviii)(12a4+13b7)2=(a42)2+(b73)2+2×12a4×13b7=a84+b149+a4b73

We hope that this answer solves  your query.

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It's not clear.
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It's not clear.
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according to me in third one identity will be used . That is (a+b)^2=a^2 +b^2 +2ab
(5c +2d )^2=(5c)^2+(2d)^2+ 2*5c*2d
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in eight identity a^3 +b ^3 =( a+b)(a ^2+b^2-ab) will be used . TRY IT .
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