Last night you had a horrible dream. Write dialogue between your friend and you discussing on the horrible dream, your reaction and the way you overcome the fear. 

I know that such exercises are meant to be done by the students using our own creativity and imagination. However, please give some (8 to 9) points/hints to elaborate the topic which should also be included to frame a good answer.

{Please don't provide certified answer... I want only experts answer to any without providing any weblink or certifiied answer} ​

Dear Student,

Here is how you can frame the answer:
You: Hey! How are you doing?
Friend: I'm good. What about you?
You: I'm fine now.
Friend: What do you mean now?
You: Oh! I had a nightmare last night. I was quite shaken by it. 
Friend: That sounds really bad! What was it about?
You: It was horrible. I was being chased by someone as I ran though the forest at night. It was dark and I was frantically running, having no sense where to head.
Friend: Awful! Did you not try to wake up?

The rest of the conversation can be continued in this way: 
You explain your friend how it seemed to you that you were not in control of anything while you dreamt that. Eventually you got so scared that you woke up and found yourself sweating. Your friend advices you to do something about it and make sure that you sleep well. You wish that it does not happen again.


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