Answer the following questions based on the given pie chart:

1. What is the difference C employee availing car?
2. The number of employees who go to office by train is what percent of that who go to office by Bus.


Dear Student,

The first part of the question is not clear and appears to be incomplete "What is the difference C employee availing car?". Kindly repost the same.

For answer to second part please find below the solution.

Let total Number of employees=xNumber of employee who go to office by train=38% of x=38100xnumber of employees who go to office by bus=20% of x=20100xNow to find Number of employee who go to office by train is what percent of number of employees who go to office by bus=number of employees who go to office by trainnumber of employees who go to office by bus×100=38100x20100x×100=3820×100=38×5=190hence it is 190% 

  • -1
2 ans7:5
  • 0
15% of 1400
21% of 1400

  • 0
7:5 is the correct option
  • 1
7:5 is. A correct answer
  • 0
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