Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) Which winds bring rainfall in India? Why is it so important?

(b) Name the different seasons in India.

(c) What is natural vegetation?

(d) Name the different types of vegetation found in India.

(e) What is the difference between evergreen forest and deciduous forest?

(f) Why is tropical rainforest also called evergreen forest?

(a) The monsoon winds bring rainfall in India. In India, agriculture is dependent on rains. Good monsoons mean adequate rain, and a bountiful crop.

(b) The different seasons in India are: the cold weather season (winter), the hot weather season (summer), the south west monsoon season (rainy season) and the season of retreating monsoons (autumn).

(c) The grass, shrubs and trees that grow without interference or help from human beings are called natural vegetation.

(d) The different types of vegetation found in India are: tropical evergreen forests or rainforests, tropical deciduous forests, thorny bushes, mountain vegetation and mangrove forests.

(e) Tropical rainforests or evergreen forests are found in areas receiving heavy rainfall. They are very dense. They shed their leaves at different times of the year. As a result, they always appear green.

Tropical deciduous forests are also called monsoon forests. They are less dense. They shed their leaves at a particular time of the year.

(f) The tropical rainforests are also called evergreen forests as they remain green throughout the year. This is because they shed their leaves at different times of the year.

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