Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words:-

Dear Student
The three girls standing at the beach were the poet’s mother and her two girl cousins. They went for a paddling. The big girl, the poet’s mother, was about twelve years or so. That was even before the poet was born. All the three stood still. The sea water was washing their mortal feet. They were smiling ‘through their hair’ at the uncle. He stood there with a camera. 

Kindly ask the remaining questions in a separate thread for rapid assistance.


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Dear student,

The three cousins smiled at the camera through their wind- swept hair as they stood at the beach. The author's mother was twelve and the eldest among the cousins. She?held the hands of the other two girls. They wore clothes that would be considered old fashioned in the present age.

For the remaining question, please post in a separate thread for availing rapid assistance from our experts.

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1) The three cousins smiled at the camera through their wind- swept hair as they stood at the beach. They wore clothes that would be considered old fashioned in the present age.
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